Welcome to the Living Healing blog

While in the middle of a challenging situation, it can be difficult to believe there could be beneficial outcomes. I agreed with many inspirational writers like Napolean Hill who proffered the silver linings idea that positives can emerge from adverse situations. However, that was never really put to the test in my life until I was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer three-plus years ago. In the process of finding ways to navigate this new territory, I have learned much about myself, healing, and what it takes to not only survive, but also thrive in a life-threatening condition (currently stable, not yet cured).

Living Healing©

As I realized that healing for me needed to become a way of life, I created a framework called Living Healing©. to keep me on track with various healing practices. It offers a framework to map out one’s unique path to healing. While writing a book to share what I learned with others on a healing path, I recognized that much of this is applicable to dealing with our current pandemic –  if you take the perspective that we as a species are currently on an epic individual and collective healing journey. The name Living Healing comes from my realization that my personal healing was not a one and done process like a cure that I was originally hoping for, but something I had live daily. I believe that may also be true for living through this pandemic. Our choices of how to live going forward will have to be consciously made anew each day.

The Living Healing© blog

will offer stories and resources from my forthcoming book through a lens of current circumstances. Each post includes reflection questions and exercises to help you mine this experience for the gold embedded in it. I introduce simple yet powerful tools you can learn to use to re-align with your essential nature and open to whatever this time offers for you.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.


New Growth from Challenges card by Jane Norton

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

Napolean Hill

Are you challenged by the circumstances you are dealing with due to the coronavirus?

Would you like to learn tools to help you navigate this time in a healthy, resilient way?

Are you ready to use this time to design and take action on your unique healing path?


If you want to delve deeper in a more personalized way, I offer one on one coaching sessions (by Zoom or an in-person socially distanced outdoor session ). Group online sessions and programs will be offered again in the future.

My life coaching/healing practice grew from exploring and training in an abundance of personal growth and community building practices. My background also includes many years of facilitating workshops in creativity, team building, leadership development and sustainability as well as environmental non -profit work. I came to realize that in order to be effective at doing one’s work out in the world, inner work was essential.