Have you been riding the coronacoaster*?
If you have been experiencing fluctuating emotional responses to all that has changed during the pandemic, as well as to national and world events, you are not alone. As an introvert and someone who works from home in a beautiful wooded sanctuary, sheltering in place was not that different or difficult for me the first month. Since then, cancelled events with family and friends, too much time sitting at a computer Zooming, dramatically reduced personal territory and the relentlessly alarming news stirred up quite a bit emotionally for me.
To manage this gamut of feelings, I am grateful to have learned a powerful tool that can bring me back to center – Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping. EFT is a body-mind process that can help clear the emotional charge around any issue by using your fingers to tap on acupressure points connected to energy pathways called meridians. In Chinese medicine, each meridian is associated with an organ and a particular emotion. It’s healthy to feel a range of emotions, but not when we are buffeted about by them. Often, due to past traumas, we get stuck in our emotions, causing stress and resulting physical symptoms in our bodies. Healing comes from acknowledging an emotion, feeling it, and then releasing it.
Tapping facilitates healing
Tapping clears stuck energy, reducing stress, and restoring balance emotionally and physically. Research published with the NIH (see RESOURCE below) demonstrates that participants using EFT experienced significant decreases in pain, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Blood pressure, resting heart rate and cortisol also significantly decreased. Happiness levels increased as did immune system function.
EFT has been an especially potent tool in my healing process and a significant part of my coaching practice due to how transformative it has been for me and others. What I love most about Tapping is that the basics can be easily learned by anyone. Working with a professional (such as myself) can offer a deeper, longer-lasting clearing, as there are many advanced techniques, but having emotional first aid at your fingertips may be essential in these rapidly changing times.
Self-help tapping
I will share more about EFT in a subsequent blog, but to get you started, I am introducing TTT (Trauma Tapping Technique). I recently became aware of this variation of tapping that was created to help severely traumatized people learn self-regulation of their emotional states. Whereas other forms of Tapping use words, TTT is silent to reduce the possibility of re-triggering trauma. It has been taught to refugees, survivors of genocide and first responders around the world with great success.
If you want help dealing with intense emotions arising due to personal and world circumstances, start tapping! (see Instructions in PRACTICE below).

I have feelings! card by Jane Norton
“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior”.
Bruce Lipton, PhD, biologist and author
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
* I heard the word ‘coronacoaster’ from Kate Marilatt, co-author with Karl Dawson of Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life: EFT Tapping Using Matrix Reimprinting and founder of The Tapping Collective.
- What emotions have you been experiencing during this time?
- What has helped you move through these emotions?
- Are there still some feelings that need healing in your life?
To learn the TTT process, Self Help for Trauma has step-by-step tapping directions, a video and a free app (in 24 languages). Gunilla Hamne and Ulf Sandstrom founded the Peaceful Heart Network non-profit to bring this tool to the most traumatized people with the least resources. For a donation, you can download the book Resolving Yesterday and get certified in TTT. They ask you to pay it forward by teaching this to everyone you can.
To read research about EFT reported in the Journal of Evidence-based Integrative Medicine go to Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health
To see outcome studies in the areas of Anxiety, Athletic Performance, Depression, Pain & Physical Symptoms, Phobias, PTSD, and Cravings & Addictions go here.