Find your Sparke to make your mark!

- Do you feel that you are living your purpose?
- Are you doing work that makes you feel alive and brings you joy?
- Are you engaging in activities where you experience being in the flow?
- Do you sense you are making the contribution you want to make?
If you answered no to any of these questions, knowing your Sparketype can help you get to yes. Take the free online assessment here.
Your profile will include your Primary Sparketype (what makes you feel most alive), your Shadow Sparketype (supports your Primary) and your Anti-Sparketype (what drains you).
Let me help you get sparked!
As a Certified Sparketype Advisor (CSA) and life coach, I can guide you in using your Sparketypes as a lens through which to affirm who you are, assess your past experiences and current situation, and design a strategy going forward to create your work and life so you can have more experiences of feeling alive, on purpose, fully expressed and making the difference you want to make.
Sparketypes are one tool in my approach to guiding clients in evolving their work and life to better fit who they really are. I love working with people who have a passion for living their purpose and making their contribution and with companies whose mission is doing their part to co-create a world that works for all.

My own experience with the Sparketype was so energizing that I decided to become certified so I could share this awesome tool with others. My results confirmed why part of my career had been fulfilling but another part had been draining. If I had found Sparketypes sooner it could have helped me craft my career and volunteer work in ways that were more aligned with who I am. I can now fully embrace being a Maven (loves learning) and a Maker, and limit the times I need to be a Performer. I want to help others find their Sparketype now as we need all hands on deck to heal the world!
Jane Norton. Transformational Coach