Create healing spaces
clear energy in your home & property
to transform your health and life
Clearing discordant energies can turn your home and property into a sanctuary that supports your healing and your life
Energetic clearing can be just as important as physical cleaning in our homes. Lingering energy from previous residents or past periods of your life may be unknowingly impacting you. Whether you own or rent, clearing stagnant energies can positively affect your health, relationships, finances, work, and life. It can also enhance the process of selling a property and the experience of moving into a new place.
How a clearing session works:
In a Zoom session with you in your space, I use proxy muscle checking to identify and clear any unharmonious energies – trapped emotions, toxins, pathogens, curses, entities or trauma energies. There may also be recommendations for positive physical or energetic changes to make. If you cannot be in your place for the session, a photo or description will work.

Results of clearings:

“I have known Jane for many years and am continually amazed by the way she has healed herself and pursued helping others heal. She is one of the most knowledgeable, curious and determined coaches/ healers I know. I was very fortunate that Jane was coaching me during the past year while I had some major challenges. Her work was very helpful for me and her clearing for my house catalyzed me do what I needed to do, demonstrating the importance of our surroundings and the inter-relatedness of everything.”
S. R., non-profit leader
“I initially tried this on my own home because I was not making progress on several projects. During the session, I realized that my home office held the energy of past unfinished projects. After the clearing I got the idea for a whole new way of organizing my project files that completely shifted what I was accomplishing and my attitude towards it.”
Jane Norton, life coach and healing guide

“Creating an environment that reduces stress is a key piece of improving health outcomes.”
Dr. Esther Sternberg, MD
Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being