Are you dealing with a challenging health condition?
Let me guide you to access your inner healer, find your unique medicine, and raise your vibration to the level that optimizes your healing capacity.
Using the Living Your Healing™ framework, you will learn principles and practices that can guide you to create a healing program uniquely suited to you and empower you with tools to shift into living in a healing state.

Choose one of these options

A Taste of Healing
FREE 90 min introductory workshop
Individual Coaching
customize the the 8-week program
Heal with Group Support
8-week group program
Invitation to participate in the Sparke Your Healing study
In the book Remarkable Recovery: What Extraordinary Healings Tell Us About Getting Well authors Caryl Hirshberg and Marc Ian Barash report that people who achieved healing, often beyond expectations, did what was most congruent with who they uniquely were. Sparketypes are source code for what makes you feel most alive and a guide to help you clarify what can activate your healing.
To learn more check Invitation to Discover Your Sparketype for Healing

“The greatest cause of illness is being disconnected from who you are and why you’re here. The greatest source of healing is activating your purpose with 100% commitment”
Kevin Doherty